Sunday, October 5, 2014

My Body My House

I am 46 years old and have waited for twenty five plus years to make the anguishing decision of what and where my first tattoo will be. I know it sounds ridiculous but I'm finally near the plateau of my life and am no longer a pussy, able to make a physically altering (no going back) decision. I was always the only one in the room -back in the day- to NOT have a tattoo. I was okay with that. If everyone else was doing it, wearing it, saying it or listening to it, I didn't want anything to do with it. Now, I've heard the number of people with tattoos is pushing 40% of the population...hmph. Whatever, I have always loved them and have always found them incredibly intriguing.

I thought it would be an interesting challenge to find some interiors of rooms that translate to tattoos, at least my interpretation thereof. I'd like to pose a challenge to readers...if you have tattoos and want to show off your personal style, by all means, please send me some pics of you, your tats and your room(s). I'd love to see the personal style revealed in your house and on your skin.

Black, stark and graphic. A fitting description for most tattoos. This room is only brought back to earth by the vase of white tulips, without the organic touch, it becomes way too cold and impersonal. 

Color, personalized and a bit of tradition,,,always fill your home with what you love and you'll never be unhappy or bored. Hopefully, you can say the same of your tattoo for all your years.

I ADORE this wallpaper! Skulls are a cornerstone in tattoo design and what could be more appropriate for this post?! This is Anita Modha Custom Design Wallpapers out of Calgary. Proper- Punk Rock-Granny design. Brilliant.

This is Tobi Tobin's work. Genius. This pretty much sums up my design style. Traditional/creepy/dark/beautiful. She's been dubbed the Rock-n-Roll Martha Stewart. Fitting.

More Tobi Tobin. Again...dark, a little industrial, butch, beautiful lines with a little edge. Not too out there but definitely not for most of you. (Thank God)

Our love for animals runs deep and so many are incorporated as tattoos. Taxidermy is an amazing art form and I love the fact that so many people are not fans. 

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