Thursday, July 5, 2012

Saddle shoes and no seat belts

My husband and I saw Moonrise Kingdom last night and once again Mr. Anderson, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Wes Anderson is the director of one of my all time favs (#3 on my top ten list, The Royal Tenenbaums. I even recommend watching it without the sound.) The scenes, sets and wardrobes are an emotional journey for me and I'm sure most of my least those of you over the age of 37ish. The knee socks, the record players, the oriental rugs, the board-game closets, the chain smoking, the metal can of Wilson tennis balls (you can still smell them as you take the lid off can't you?) and the absence of seat belts in cars. His movies allow me to relive a period of my life that I cherish and yet makes me sad that my own children will never feel and experience all of the amazing, dangerous and naive opportunities that I had.

My children are at camp this week in Michigan, hopefully gaining as much worldly experience as all the children in Moonrise Kingdom did in their camp adventures. One of the first things we're going to do when they get back is to go see this film. Hopefully, it will give them a little insight into my mumbled words of "the old days".

I loved and adored my saddle shoes.

Again...styling is genius and so spot on.

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